Monday, July 22, 2013

The Rebbe said what?!?

You can read the following excerpts at this Chabad archive link, entitles "Theories of Evolution".

" cannot exclude the possibility that dinosaurs existed 5722 years ago, and became fossilized under terrific natural cataclysms in the course of a few years rather than in millions of years; since we have no conceivable measurements or criteria of calculations under those unknown conditions."
"Even assuming that the period of time which the Torah allows for the age of the world is definitely too short for fossilization (although I do not see how one can be so categorical), we can still readily accept the possibility that G-d created ready fossils, bones or skeletons (for reasons best known to him), just as he could create ready living organisms, a complete man, and such ready products as oil, coal or diamonds, without any evolutionary process." 
Yes, a Jewish leader would tell his flock that you cannot rule out that dinosaurs walked the Earth during the time that the Babylonians were brewing beer and the Chinese were fermenting rice for their own brewing tastes. If I saw a T-Rex, I'd want a drink as well!

And then we have the second (of many) bit of nonsense, that God decided to play a joke and created fossils and then aged them badly so the earth would only appear to be old. Perhaps to test the faith of humans, and creating the earth with a great lie.

I did respond to that web site, but all posts need approval, and it appears that only those who post respectfully will be shown to the world, and those who criticize will not be.

To the first quote, I posted "Of COURSE you can exclude it, and one should!" C'mon! His dance of "science doesn't really know" and "they are all guessing" and "God could have made it look old", and all of that nonsense is nothing more than apologist dancing to hide the fact that they have been teaching Biblical Literalism, which is always going to bite you in the end.

But the Chabad Rebbe was, if nothing else, consistent in his literalism. Since the Torah says that the sun revolves around the Earth, Rebbe taught that as well, and would misuse relativism to support such a point of view of Torah.

There is an interesting article concerning the Rebbe's actual level scientific knowledge and how badly he used it to disprove science at this link.

Now jut imagine, if this is only the tip of the iceberg, and how many other things he made up in order to transform the Scientific reality into something that Chabad could feel superior about. "Yeah, you Scientists and your 'theories' think you are so smart? How come crocodiles didn't evolve, huh?"


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