"The Universe is infinite, so the Earth IS the center of the Universe!"Let's get one thing straight. In this weird debate, it is not about where is the position of the Earth in the Universe. This belief in a geocentric solar system has been going on for 3500 years or more - long before science ever conceived of the possibility of other galaxies, and before Hubble determined that the Universe was expanding equally in all places.
No. It is about believing that the sun travels around the Earth rather than the other way around.
Yes, where you are standing, you are in the center of the Universe, but the Universe does not revolve around you. Voyager II, which has left our solar system is also in the center of the Universe, and the Universe does not revolve around it. So, while it is interesting to conceive of an infinite number of centers within infinity, it is not addressing the question of the sun rotating around the Earth.
Because, if it were true that everything is in the center and that everything rotates around everything that is in the center, well, it would be impossible to do something useful, such as send the Rover to Mars, because we would never be able to calculate where it would be for that remote device to reach the surface.
So, no, being "the center" of infinity does not mean that everything revolves around the Earth anymore than everything revolved around Neptune, including us. All it means is that the Universe is a big place and it is difficult to measure.
Now, it is true, that using Relativity, that from the point of view of the astronauts on the International Space Station, the Earth is the center, simply because the ISS is in a geocentric orbit. And if a killer asteroid was in proximity to the Earth, we would use a geocentric targeting system because, from the point of view of the asteroid, the Earth is the center. But from the point of view of the Mars Rover, looking up towards the Earth, that relationship is not in place because Mars does not revolve around the Earth, and so, from it's heliocentric point of view, the Earth is just one more spheroid that is caught in the immense gravity of the Sun and is circling it in an elliptical orbit.
I can understand why many people want the Earth to not only be the center, but to have the entire Universe bow to and circle the Earth. After all, according to one geocentric-centered movie, to be the true center and have everything revolve around you makes you special, and science had caused so many things to no longer be special.
And so, all sorts of complicated reasons as to why the Sun revolves around the Earth must be true are tossed around. Some are more complicated than others.
Sometimes, the simple answer is the correct one. We live in a SOLAR system, and we are but one small planet that rotates around it.